Terry Dyer - LIFT - Community Services

Terry Dyer

Terry Dyer

Paramedic with BC Emergency Health Services for the past 33 years. Locally have been the unit Chief of the Powell River station for the past 5 years. For many years I was the trainer of the Powell River Kings as well as other teams in the BC Hockey League and Western Hockey League.

Through my time in the ambulance in both Vancouver and Powell River I have seen people in all stages of life. I have had clients that live in mansions and others that unfortunately call a cardboard box home. I have seen what homelessness has done to people and I think it is important for all people to have access to a warm bed, warm clothes, and food to eat. These are the basics of life and I believe in working together in the qathet community to help the less fortunate meet those everyday needs. Another need is a helping hand out of homelessness, help getting job training, help getting a job, family help and social support. Lift does this and I am excited to have the opportunity to join the board to aid in anyway I can.

We live and work on the homelands and territories of the Tla’amin People. We honour the land, the Tla’amin People, and their treaty and continually seek to strengthen our relationship and responsibilities to them as guests in the territory.