Emergency Shelter - LIFT - Community Services

Emergency Shelter

Emergency Shelter

The Emergency Shelter is a temporary and immediate place to stay for anyone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness in the qathet Region.

Our Emergency Shelter program is open to all adults ages 19 and over, including seniors.

We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We have 20 beds available on a first-come, first-served basis.

We provide basic necessities, like a warm bed, shelter from the elements, temporary storage, meals, and harm reduction services. Staff at the shelter also work to connect individuals with resources and supports that can help them find permanent housing.

Shelters are not a long-term solution to homelessness they are a stop-gap emergency response. We look forward to a time when there is adequate affordable housing in the qathet Region for every person who needs it.

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We live and work on the homelands and territories of the Tla’amin People. We honour the land, the Tla’amin People, and their treaty and continually seek to strengthen our relationship and responsibilities to them as guests in the territory.