Connecting with Community - LIFT - Community Services

Connecting with Community

Lift is committed to improving the way we connect with the community and we’re launching several engagement efforts in the coming months to do just that.

This week our Senior Leadership Team is excited to start visiting businesses located in and around the areas of our Head Office, our supportive housing building, and the Community Resource Centre.

Our aim is to get a better understanding of community concerns, open channels of communication, get a sense of how well the community understands our work, and inspire interest in working or partnering with us on community projects or initiatves.

As a way for us to gather this information we are offering a survey to our neighbouring businesses with hopes to getting insights into how we can hear more, share more, and engage more with our neighbours in a way that works for them.

This outreach is the first stop on our broader process, which includes outreach with residential neighbours and the broader community. We’ll keep you all informed on how we will use our learnings, as well as future engagement plans. Stay tuned!

We live and work on the homelands and territories of the Tla’amin People. We honour the land, the Tla’amin People, and their treaty and continually seek to strengthen our relationship and responsibilities to them as guests in the territory.