Community Partnership Update - LIFT - Community Services

Community Partnership Update

Several months ago Lift Community Services and the Westview Ratepayers Society (WRS) entered into a co-operation agreement to address issues of mutual concern. Lift is now bringing this agreement to a close, in favour of a broader and more inclusive ongoing community relations approach for qathet Region. 

We would like to extend our gratitude to the members and board of WRS for their dedication and collaboration over the past months in addressing the concerns of WRS members. Our in-person meetings, one-to-one communications, and many invested staff hours made this work possible. 

Lift has made significant progress in improving our community relations approach and we appreciate the valuable role the WRS board and members played in this process. Their feedback has informed our services, enhanced community engagement, and contributed to our recent meeting with BC Housing regarding supportive housing and shelter programs in qathet. 

Over the past few weeks, Lift has been going door-to-door to residents and businesses located nearest to some of our programs and services, as one part of broadening the scope of our engagement. We are including more community representatives in our outreach work and gaining additional insights on how people would like to connect with Lift moving forward.  

A survey has been shared with all of qathet to continue our momentum towards gathering diversity of thought from around the region. Connecting with members of the community will be an ongoing priority for Lift, and the information we gather now will inform our engagement plan, practices and priorities moving forward. If you haven’t already, please take 5 minutes to share your feedback with us – click here to do so.

We live and work on the homelands and territories of the Tla’amin People. We honour the land, the Tla’amin People, and their treaty and continually seek to strengthen our relationship and responsibilities to them as guests in the territory.