We are excited to continue engaging the community through events, information, and ways to take action!
Some plans in response to what we heard include:
A Homelessness Action Toolkit: Launched!
One-stop shop for information about homelessness in the qathet Regional District, and how YOU can help advocate for additional affordable housing options for everyone in the community. Click here to check out the toolkit.
Film Screening of Someone Lives Here: October 30th
We’re partnering with Cinema Politica qathet to host a free screening of the acclaimed documentary Someone Lives Here on October 30th. Details coming soon!
Education Series Launch: November 14th
Save the date for the launch of our quarterly community education series. This free series will be open to the public and address a range of topics related to the issues our programs aim to address. More coming soon!
Friends of Lift Campaign: Coming Winter 2025
We’re working on a sustainable and meaningful way to connect with individuals who want to learn more about and support our work.
Information sharing and sharing our plans: Ongoing
We’re making a concentrated effort to be upfront with plans and information. As part of our 40th Anniversary we held a community fair at Willingdon Beach with program-specific and community resource information. We’ve proactively reached out to the neighbours of our new Family Place and CRC site in recent weeks to share information about our moving and programming plans, and we’ll be attending BC Housing’s Open House in September to share information about our supportive housing program. There’s much more to come!