qathet Homelessness Prevention Program: Free Services - LIFT - Community Services

Rent Supplements

The qathet Homelessness Prevention Program has a total of 49 rent supplements available, with priority given to households experiencing or at risk of homelessness.  


Eligibility for the qathet Homelessness Prevention Program is based on household income limits set by BC Housing. Lift does not determine eligibility and adheres to guidelines established by BC Housing. 

As of August 2024, Household Income Limits are: 

  • Singles or couples without dependents: Monthly $2,666; Annual $31,992
  • Family of 4 or less: Monthly $3,333, Annual $40,000
  • Family of 5 or more: Monthly $3,700, Annual $44,400 

Where a family is defined as a household with at least one dependent child. 

Individuals who receive Income Assistance or Disability Assistance from the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction are eligible to apply. Individuals receiving or eligible for other provincial subsidaries like SAFER and RAP are not eligible to apply. 


Individuals must be referred to the program by an eligible referring organization.  Referral organizations for the qathet Homelessness Prevention Program include: 

  • Ministry of Child and Family Development
  • Vancouver Coastal Health
  • WorkBC
  • Youth and Family
  • Poverty Law Advocate (qathet Safe)
  • VK Wellness
  • Inclusion Powell River
  • Trans qathet
  • Strive Living
  • McIssac Counselling 


Rent supplement payments

Rent supplements amounts are based on the calculation of a household’s specific “minimum shelter contribution” and rent ceiling as determined by BC Housing. Subsidy amounts are determined for each recipient using the BC Housing database and cannot be calculated before an application is approved. 

Once approved, rent supplements are paid to the renter on a monthly basis. Benefits are ongoing subject to available funding, and a renewal form must be submitted every year to determine ongoing eligibility and ensure the supplement amount is calculated with current information. 


Click here for application process and details. 

We live and work on the homelands and territories of the Tla’amin People. We honour the land, the Tla’amin People, and their treaty and continually seek to strengthen our relationship and responsibilities to them as guests in the territory.