2023 AGM Recap - LIFT - Community Services

2023 AGM Recap

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our annual general meeting at the Salish Centre last month!

We were so pleased with the turnout, the delicious snacks from The Nook, and our energizing guest speaker. 

As part of our meeting, we premiered our 2023 Annual Report, and welcomed six new members to our Board of Directors – click here to learn about our new board members.

Our guest speaker for the evening, Zahra Esmail from The Vantage Point, presented on the results from the 2023 State of BC’s Non-profit Sector Report, touching on several points that we could relate to: expense and service demand increases, challenges in recruiting and retaining staff, decreased funding from non-government sources, and a general feeling of being stretched and busy. It was validating that the challenges we sometimes face as a non-profit organization are shared throughout the province, and Zahra created room for reflection and discussion that ultimately left us and our guests hopeful and invigorated about the role of non-profits in community and our potential to address critical community issues.

All in all, it was a beautiful evening, and we would like to acknowledge a few folks for their role in making it such a successful event: Tla’amin Nation for the use of the Salish Centre, ?ajimet Harm Reduction Circle for their presence and support, Lynn Galligos for opening our event, The Nook for their amazing catering, Justin Sparks for the beautiful photography, and Zahra Esmail for her inspiring presentation.


We live and work on the homelands and territories of the Tla’amin People. We honour the land, the Tla’amin People, and their treaty and continually seek to strengthen our relationship and responsibilities to them as guests in the territory.